Elevate Your Life through Movement with a Personal Yoga Teacher

I’m Jessica! Your Private Yoga Instructor, Personal Trainer and YTT Continuing Education Teacher!

Wellbeing is a deliberate act of self trust. When you learn to trust yourself to do the things that make you feel and act as your best, you begin to flourish. Those are the moments when you’re walking in your power.

To begin you need to understand that there are multiple facets of wellness, and it’s not a one size fits all. We are different people with different jobs, families, and daily commitments making the linear journey of healing seem unattainable at times.

That is where I come in. I am here to get to know the real you, your real life, and your real world goals. Once we establish the groundwork, we build a plan of action, and we move towards you walking in your fullest potential, loving your life, and feeling good not only in your body but in your mind and spirit. Are you ready?


Specializing in Private Yoga Instruction and Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers

A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest. I’ve dedicated the latter part of my career to helping people start moving their bodies again. From beginners to the everyday athlete and especially people over 60. Movement will always be a practice suggested by any healthcare professional, and I’m here to help you start, build, and sustain your movement practice while making fitness feel good.



Investing in a private yoga session provides personalized attention tailored to your specific needs and goals, ensuring a more effective and efficient practice. With one-on-one guidance, you can deepen your understanding of yoga techniques, receive detailed alignment adjustments, and explore advanced poses at your own pace. Private sessions offer a peaceful, distraction-free environment where you can fully immerse yourself in the practice, fostering a deeper mind-body connection and enhanced relaxation.


Virtual movement sessions offer flexibility in scheduling, allowing participants to practice from the comfort of their own homes at a time that suits them best. Additionally, these sessions eliminate commute time, making it easier for individuals with busy schedules to prioritize their well-being. Moreover, virtual yoga provides a wide range of options for different skill levels and instructors, ensuring accessibility and the ability to tailor the practice to specific needs.


Refining your teaching skills and continuing your education with a seasoned yoga teacher offers access to advanced techniques, philosophies, and teaching methods, broadening your expertise and enhancing your ability to cater to diverse student needs. Through mentorship and ongoing education, you can cultivate a strong foundation, gain valuable insights, and stay updated with the latest trends, ultimately advancing your career as a yoga instructor.

Ready to get started?

Hey there, I’m Jessica!

I am Mom, Military Spouse, and Business Owner. I specialize in adaptive and therapeutic yoga with over 1,000 hours of one on one teaching, and hold a contract with Operation Red Wings Foundation as their Yoga and Modalities Instructor. I am a Certified Warriors at Ease Teacher, and I have completed Mindfulness and Resilience Training with the Veterans Yoga Project.

I am also a barre instructor, Certified Personal Trainer, and a Mat Pilates teacher with a fiery passion for helping creative entrepreneurs find more freedom.

No matter your need, you are welcome here. The beauty of one on one classes is you benefit from everything offered. The class is tailored and customized to your specific needs and goals. As you continue your practice your class will evolve with you always giving you new tools to support your new seasons of life.

Wellness is a choice. Integration is a choice. I am here to empower you to choose.

My Sacred Values

  • Girl doing yoga

    Body Intelligence

    The communication between your brain and body is an untapped resource. We have these strong lines of communication and we need to learn or relearn the cues. Your body 100% knows the answers to all your health questions. We just have to learn to listen.

  • Girl doing yoga

    Movement as Medicine

    You may have heard this before, but it doesn’t make it any less true. Movement is a way to move any kind of energy through the body. It’s a discharge, a fresh start, a feel good activity that is packed full of positive outcomes. Here, movement is highly encouraged.

  • Girl doing yoga

    Mindset Matters

    Your mindset is the foundation of any new thing you do. If thoughts to things is true, your mindset is the first step. β€œWhether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” -Henry Ford
    Set yourself up for success by starting with your mindset.

Create Space to Breathe.

Every time you show up on your mat, you show up for yourself. It is in this space that we give ourselves the gift of undivided attention. This space on the mat, this time on the mat, this is for you. Let your mat be a safe haven for free movement and the curious exploration of the conversation going on between your mind, body, and soul.

It is there you will find your answers to healing.

Get in touch & stay connected

I value your time and understand your inbox is a sacred space. You will hear from me once every three months or when there is important news and updates. If that sounds okay with you, I invite you to drop your information below and get connected. Talk soon. -Jessica

Follow along on Instagram and let’s stay connected.